Sunday, February 7, 2010

long long time!!!

it has a long long long time!man!i am so busy with my assigmnets!and friends! and boyfriend!not to be forgotten..huhu...i am brainless!i can't think of anything interesting to write right now! my brain is crawling slowly to achieve whatever i needed! i am going insane for the first time. having so much assignments. i take back whatever that my dad said. Quoted " life in the university is much fun then in the high school". so not!!! although there is the fun part of it!so fun!haha. by the way, i am supposed to finish this semester in 4 to 5 months time. but they bring it forward like a month if im not mistaken. that makes me even more worst. i have to chase for everything and keep up with anything that come towards me.
but after a month!i think i can adapt better!hehe..silly me right. whatever it is.hopefully i get to finish my assignmnents, get dialogue right for my mock meeting, my presentation superb for my report writing and lastly my grammar and vocab for my academic writing must be WOW enough for the lecturer!
BON vaYAge!!
im out.>>

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