Saturday, December 19, 2009

think fat

think fat...i am not insulting anyone nor anything! when it comes to the word "fat". always think positive!fat is the most gorgeous word in the dictionary. everybody loves the word fat! don't you believe me..see this..between Big Mac and Soy Burger which one would you choose? i thought so!the BIG MAC! do you want to know why because they are freaking delicious and high in calories and FATS!!! everyone loves a good fat. well..actually...everyone usually loves the bad fat. who doesn't love saturated fats and trans fat? we live with them practically every-single-day! plus..we, the females..always go on and on about our weight. i agree with that because i am one of them!hehe..accordance to that, we are afraid to eat so much. scared that we may bloated with no reason and no man is there to look or flirt with!huhu....think no more...say no more....which is why we have to think fat most of the is actually good! when you think you are tend to buy a slightly bigger size..well,most of us...and you somehow will be happy!when u try it one...after lying the clothes in your wardrobe for a while!you will be like " hey!i've put down some weight! this is loose!" haha...well...i better stop now!

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